Mercuriel announce to ITEC students the 5 months Internship including 3 month of training to Magento. It is a framework e-commerce on PHP language.

The main task will be:

- Installing and deploying Magento

- Develop Magento Module

- Develop Magento themes

- Report to Manager

The deadline is August, 24 2016.

Trần Công Danh

ITEC Career Centre (ICC) International Training and Education Center - ITEC

Tel: (84)-8-38303625 (Ext 114) | Fax: (84)-8-38325926 | Email:

1 comment

  • Trần Quang Thiện Trần Quang Thiện 15 Aug 2016

    May I ask what the rerequisite skills and knowledge are?


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